After many requests, here is a belly picture. So, for all of you out there that are wondering what a mom pregnant with triplets looks like, here I am at 20 weeks.

I have really noticed a "pop" out in the last two weeks. It seems like I am growing overnight! I have been feeling the babies move both on the inside and outside now. These little stinkers love to kick, especially Baby C which is above my belly button and up into my rib cage. Ouch! I am carrying these babies so much higher than I did with Jack. Maybe the old wives tale is right in saying you carry low for boys and high for girls? I have noticed some of my morning sickness is starting to go away. I have days where I feel better part of the day. Sleep is becoming an issue again. No more sleeping on my stomach! I guess God is preparing me for the sleepless nights the next few years! 20 weeks is the half way point in a normal pregnancy, but I am already passed my half way point. Next ultrasound and doctor's appointment is scheduled for next Tuesday. Every two weeks from here on out I'll be making the trip downtown.
I have really noticed a "pop" out in the last two weeks. It seems like I am growing overnight! I have been feeling the babies move both on the inside and outside now. These little stinkers love to kick, especially Baby C which is above my belly button and up into my rib cage. Ouch! I am carrying these babies so much higher than I did with Jack. Maybe the old wives tale is right in saying you carry low for boys and high for girls? I have noticed some of my morning sickness is starting to go away. I have days where I feel better part of the day. Sleep is becoming an issue again. No more sleeping on my stomach! I guess God is preparing me for the sleepless nights the next few years! 20 weeks is the half way point in a normal pregnancy, but I am already passed my half way point. Next ultrasound and doctor's appointment is scheduled for next Tuesday. Every two weeks from here on out I'll be making the trip downtown.
Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!
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