At 17 months, the girls are moving and getting into everything! It seems their latest milestone of walking is making things more challenging. I thought because they crawled, walking wouldn't change things too much, but I think I might be rethinking that one. They really like to explore the territory "outside" their gate and they are quite quick once that gate it open!

Anna is the fastest. She walks quickly, not quite a run, but getting closer. She is babbling so much! She still only says one word, 'ut oh', but she is constantly chit-chatting and pointing to objects. She loves to crawl into any one's lap, especially Granddad. She will cry when Granddad walks by the room and doesn't stop by to see her and also when Granddad gets up and leaves the room to warm up his coffee. She loves books, dolls, animals and babies. She will point to her belly by lifting up her shirt and will also lift up my shirt to see my belly button. She points to her head, nose, eyes and ears. She is still the biggest of the three, has the most hair (dark) and blue-green eyes.

Kate likes the zebra riding toy. She climbs up on this all the time and moves to the music. She is still too small to touch the ground, but that doesn't stop her. She loves to pick up and 'throw' balls, then she chases them. She loves dolls, puzzles and books. She constantly is dancing to music and seeking out the toys that play music. She recently learned how to take off her diaper which made for an interesting night a few days ago that ended with poop, carpet scrubbing and a second bath for her and her sister. She has recently began to babble quite a bit and she says, 'ut oh'. With her babbling, she makes no sense, but she is telling her sisters something important. She points to her nose, mouth, belly, feet, and head. She has very little hair (dark) and dark eyes.

Elizabeth likes to do whatever her sisters and brother are doing. She is a people-pleaser. She is constantly bringing her sisters their milk cups that they didn't finish. She also likes to hand me teeny-tiny pieces of dirt, fuzz, paper, etc. on the ground (at least she is not eating them). She, like her sisters, says 'ut oh' and babbles a lot. She will point to her head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, feet and belly. She loves dolls, music, blocks and cups. She likes to keep things in order. She will bring me anything I ask her and has recently pointed to her diaper when it is wet and will point to the dry diapers. She has blond hair and very blue eyes.

None of the girls like to be changed and will roll away with great strength during diaper changes. They love shoes and boots and will bring them to me to put on. They like their milk cups and seem to know which color is theirs (Kate=pink; Anna=purple; Elizabeth=green). They love to eat and will mostly eat everything I give them. They recently had chocolate cake for the first time and they were loving it :)
Jack has recently started to play with the girls and they will follow him around and listen to him. He can entertain them for a while if he wants to.
The latest 'game' for the girls. Jack will move a strategically placed box (that blocks corners like this above) and the girls like to get into tiny corners like this one...they also like to get behind the door between it and the TV chest.