Sunday, January 30, 2011


We convinced Jack to build a snowman with Granddad today. When I say convinced, I really mean it. Jack, like his mama and daddy, really doesn't enjoy to play in the snow. In fact, today was the first day he played outside this winter. Not that I haven't asked him if he wanted to, he just always says no. Today was his first time building a snowman--and I don't remember building too many snowmen myself during my childhood.  Needless-to-say, I think Granddad, I mean Jack, did an excellent job on the snowman. When my mom and I got back from unloading some of our stuff into our new house, this is the snowman we saw!

Teaching Jack how to roll the head

Putting on his hat

The finished snowman--Jack rolled his head. They used potatoes for the buttons and a creative Granddad cut a potato in half for each of his eyes. Very cute.

Sleepy boy. After all that hard work, Jack fell asleep with his Bella. His two Bella Bears have not been needed as much by Jack in the last few months to sleep--I guess he is getting older :(

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