Sunday, March 27, 2011

On the Mend

After a week of illness, we are on the mend. What started out as strep throat last Friday (Jack), ended with all three girls and vomiting and fevers all nicely spaced about two days apart, so one would be recovering while the next would start in with the vomiting. I think I didn't do less than three loads of laundry every day this week! I once questioned why the previous owners of our house (who also built this house) put a garbage disposal in the laundry room, but after last week, I was thinking it was a smart idea.

Elizabeth was the last to get the bug. She still is not quite 100%, but she is finally has her appetite back.

First time in pig-tails

Anna loves the phone.

First time for pig tails for Anna, too!

No pig tails for Kate...she needs more hair.

Giving her lovie a hug and kiss

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