Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feeding the Pigs

The kids got cards in the mail from their Aunt Mary and Uncle John and Mimi this week. All the kids love to get mail and they carry the cards around for weeks! The money is better liked by Jack vs. the girls because they don't quite get the concept of spending money. The girls love to "feed the pig," while Jack has learned that money in the pig bank doesn't come out. So, he keeps his money in his wallet to buy something. He told me he wanted something at the Disney Store, but last Saturday, he took his $10 to the basketball game and bought a Dr. Pepper for $1. He loves getting change. He is also very interested in the presidents right now and has learned the presidents on the different bills. I think his Mimi would have loved to see him pick out something from the concession stand. Thanks for the money and cards!

Elizabeth is wearing the six month jacket.

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