If there ever was a record for the number of times of buckling in children with wet raincoats into a five point harness and unbuckling them, then dragging them (all four) in the rain to and from places, I think I could have broke it today. Between getting Carter to the vet (for a mouth surgery and teeth cleaning--and he is fine by the way) and bringing him home this evening, taking the girls to and from preschool, dropping off dinner to a mom with a new baby, going to the bank, the pediatrician's office (Jack has strep), and Walmart to pick up an antibiotic, I was in the car all but about an hour this afternoon. After picking up Jack's prescription around 4:00 PM, I decided I was tired and with only an hour to kill before we had to pick up Carter, I decided I was not going to go home to feed my kids a dinner that had not yet been prepared, so we swung by Arby's which I don't ever really do. The kids were excited for chicken and french fries and I was excited that I would not have to feed them dinner and clean up my kitchen when I got home.

My sick little boy
Waiting patiently for the doctor to come in.
This is how we roll through Walmart. As if we don't attract enough attention, Elizabeth decided to ask me while checking out new toothbrushes for Jack:
"Mom, does dad potty standing up?"
Followed up with:
"Does Jack potty standing up? And you potty sitting down."
And the girls continued to ask these types of questions, laughing all the way to the check-out lane.
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