Friday, March 29, 2013

West Shore Mothers of Twins Club Egg Hunt

The twins club had their annual Easter egg hunt and my parents were brave enough to take the kids while John and I were out of town for a few days. The kids had a good time getting their faces painted and seeing the Easter bunny. Plus they got to color, have treats and do an egg hunt. I guess Jack missed his so he only got a few eggs, but the girls shared with him and also a few of the younger kids that got very few eggs. I got an email from a friend thanking my girls for sharing with her one year old twins. I also got a nice email from a member of the twins' club and how much her mom--who was very close to the Easter bunny got a kick out of seeing my kids with the Easter bunny. They kept giving them high fives and hugs! They absolutely love any character--the cow at Chic-fil-A, the Easter bunny or any other mascot they come in contact with. She told me it made her mom's day to see their interaction with the bunny. She told me most of the other kids were afraid of him!

The girls also made the newspaper. I will post a link and picture to it. I am glad my mom and Dad could take them!


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