Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

We spent the weekend in Indiana visiting family. It was a great time. The girls love their older girl cousins and they constantly talk about them. I don't think Elizabeth left Erin's side the entire day on Saturday. Jack had a blast with Amy, Nicki and Noah. I think at one point there was a sign on the basement door that said no one could come down unless they had one million dollars or a light saber.

Sunday we had brunch after church with Grandmother and Grandfather Poinsatte and the Szczepanski's at Grandmom's house. The Szczepanski's were not there too long so I didn't get any pictures of the cousins.

Breakfast was green applesauce, green melon and green milk!

Noah told us he usually doesn't like white milk, but he likes green milk a lot!

Helping Grandmom with brunch!

Great Grandfather wanted the girls to wear name tags.

The applesauce turned green!

Love this one with Great Grandmother and Kate

Brunch of green eggs, green applesauce, bagels, green cream cheese bars, potatoes and fruit.

The girls helping to spot wash the floor after lunch.

Love the way these next few pictures turned out

A favorite of mine, too!

This one I think Anna and Granddad have the same smile in!

Granddad got tired so he started to throw up the stuffed animal instead of the girls.

Love this one, too.

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