We left for Fort Wayne rather quickly to be there for my grandfather's funeral. Since John was in Mexico City, I braved the drive with the kids and dog alone...all 12 hours. I was so happy to see Halter road!
I left my house at 7:10 in the morning to take the kids to school for a few hours. I had to get my windshield fixed and had an appointment for 8:30 that morning and since I was pretty sure Anna had swimmers ear and needed to see the pediatrician, I decided to keep the appointment. I dropped off Kate, Elizabeth and Jack and headed to the glass place, then to the doctor (she did have swimmers ear) and then back to the school to pick the kids up. We left St. Vincent's around 10:15 and headed northeast. I had packed lunches which we ate around 11:30. After 4 hours, I stopped and was going to get the kids ice cream after getting gas and going potty. Well, I stopped and there was no ice cream place--all I could see was a Jack-in-the-box and I wasn't sure they sold ice cream. So, I took the kids inside the gas station and told them they could pick out what they wanted. Well, I showed them the freezer of ice cream, but they didn't really know what it all was because they have not had it packaged like that before. Jack decided on the strawberry shortcake ice cream bar (just like his dad would have picked). I showed Kate and Elizabeth the drumsticks, Elizabeth took one of those and Kate picked the strawberry bar. Meanwhile, Anna was roaming the store. She came back to me with a king size bag of peanut M&Ms...whatever, I thought. I would not pick peanut M&Ms as my first choice of candy bars, but I don't think she has had many candy bars, or remembered if she has. I went up to the counter with all the snacks and Kate decided she wanted the peanut M&Ms too, so we exchanged hers and I picked up a bag of mints, sweetish fist and hot tamales (for me). $11 later, we left the gas station. I was cracking up at the check-out and told the cashier that there is nothing like spending $11 on junk food, but whatever it takes to get there! I still had 8 hours in the car. The junk occupied the kids for about an hour, then it was back to some fighting, a little whining and more of the same old kids riding in the car stuff. My kids are not car sleepers, except maybe Kate could be classified as one. She slept for an hour. The others didn't fall asleep until about 30 miles from home.
I think Grandfather was watching over us, and we made it in one piece--although tired--around 11:15 (Fort Wayne time). I never felt tired until about 60 miles from home, and even then it was not like I was exhausted tired, just my eyes were a little tired.
I had to eat the peanuts off the top for Elizabeth--she didn't like them. When Kate and Anna saw Elizabeth's ice cream cone, they told me they wanted that "tomorrow" which means the next time we let them pick something out.
I did switch the bag to a regular sized peanut M&M. She ate the entire bag and so did Kate.
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