Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Registration For the Girls

We had a registration and "meet the teacher" day at St. Raphael school for the girls' pre-K class today. They were super excited to go to school. Their teacher's name is Ms. Denise. They got to color a picture while I filled out forms and then they played on the playground for a little bit before we went home for a bit. It will be a drive for me the days they go (MWF), about 20-25 minutes from Jack's school. Round trip to drop off Jack and then the girls and then back home is about an hour. thankfully they only go three days a week and they go for a full day so I am not picking them up quickly after I get home. I think they will really like their school. They start on Monday!



Their teacher Ms. Denise
Elizabeth's picture
Kate's picture
Kate's name (out of order)
Anna (her name is on the side of the page). She found the scissors and had fun cutting.


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