He was an incredible man.
I know many people think this about their grandparents, but my Grandfather was extraordinary. He served in World War II, and he saw action in the invasion of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge and he loved to retell these stories any chance he could. He remained stationed in Europe after the war ended. He was a history scholar from an early age until his final days on earth. He studied at University of Notre Dame, University of Paris and University of Chicago. My Grandfather spoke five languages and used to teach his children and grandchildren many of these languages throughout his life. I was taught to say the sign of the cross in French around the age of five and I also know bits and pieces of other languages from his as well.
Aside from his vast knowledge in almost any topic, he was a man of strong faith. He was a charter member of St. Jude's Catholic church and Knight of Columbus and strong supporter of Bishop Dwenger High School where majority of his children and grandchildren attended. He met and married my Grandmother and together they raised 12 children--in the same modest 4 bedroom house they built 50 years ago (complete with a bomb shelter). My grandparents celebrated 66 years of marriage this year. There are over 140 grandchildren/great grandchildren left to remember him. What an excellent example of what it means to really love.
Grandfather built his automotive business from the ground up though hard work. He was not afraid of physical labor either. He purchased many properties throughout his life, one piece called "the farm" north of his home, which he planted evergreen trees with the help of his children. The Christmas tree farm was in business for many years though his hard work and that of his children. This land today houses six of his children and their families. He also bought a cottage on a lake because he was afraid of water as a child and he didn't want to bring up his children with this same fear. He owns property in the UP of Michigan on the lake, and he also had properties in different countries so his children could grow up visiting and learning about other cultures.
I was lucky enough to spend two years living with my grandparents while I was in high school. This time I spent with him is more appreciated today. He taught me a lot during those two years and I am thankful. He supported his children/grandchildren in sporting events. He used to come to every single one of my gymnastics meets, and my cousins' wrestling meets, and track meets, and so on...and so on. He was so proud of all of us.
There are few people that could leave such an impact on the world today as my Grandfather did. As I think about his life, I hope and pray that I can continue to spread his influence down to my children...and they pass it down to theirs. Because the world is changing and life is difficult. We need a strong faith and love to hold on to. We need to remember these simple things.
We now have another angel watching over us
Love you, Grandfather
Grandfather and Jack last March
He has been drilling for oil for so many years. The girls are about two years old here. I am so thankful he was able to spend time with my children. They are so blessed to have known him.
More drilling
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