Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday and Sunday

I finished cleaning up the bed (there was dirt from storage and crayon from the previous owners) and put the girls room together again. I had to find new spots for their names to hang with the new bed. I still need to order their bedding, but their room is done! Jack also had a friend over this afternoon after tennis and taekwando. He played a basketball game Saturday night and scored two points. Their team ended up losing 39-26. The other team had some really good players that played the whole game because they were short subs. One player from the other team scored 26 points--not bad for a second grader! On Sunday we had a nice relaxing day at home and ordered wings and watched the superbowl (well, John and Jack watched it).

I attempted to curl their hair

Friday, January 30, 2015

Muffins with Mom

On the last day of Catholic School Week, I went to mass with the kids and then to have muffins and visit the book fair. Before mass started, they showed a video put together by the woman who does our yearbook pictures. Her daughter is in 8th grade. They both sang a duet on the video of "Beautiful Mother" and showed pictures of mothers and their children. It was a tear-jerker watching it. There was a picture of Jack and me at mass and one of the girls and me on the first day of school. While I was eating with the kids later that morning, this mother gave me a card with the still pictures. It was so nice.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dollhouse Bed

We finally put up the bed we bought at a garage sale when they were 10 months old. Thanks to Aunt Sarah, who found the bed that summer, we got a fun bed and great deal on it too. Thank goodness we finally put it up because we moved it through four states and each time John liked to remind me that we are still moving that bed around and question if we would ever set it up or we would just put it in storage...

 The girls were so excited to see the bed after school today! Jack loves the bed too. They all want to sleep on the top bunk, so they will have to take turns (with Jack in the rotation).

 first night in their new bed--Elizabeth and Anna
Jack and Kate




Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Swimming In January?

I kept telling the kids to play outside after we finished our homework. The girls got it in their heads that they wanted to swim because it was a "beautiful day." I think it hit 70 degrees. I told them the pool was cold, but they insisted. Plus there were tons of leaves and worms in the bottom of the pool--gross! Since I needed to check the chlorine, I decided they could feel the water and they not want to get in. Well, I opened the gate, turned around and they were in their swimsuits ready to swim. They felt it on the steps and realized it was cold, but still wanted to get it. Elizabeth inched her way in to her shoulders, while Anna and Kate tried the slide and diving board, but chickened out before either jumped in. I kept hearing, "if I jump in, you have too." Finally Kate jumped in (well, Anna pushed her in, I found out) and she was freezing! Elizabeth got out and told me maybe she will swim in February...

FYI pool water temperature was 46 degrees!

They went inside for a warm bath!