Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Grades and Conferences

Well we finished the third quarter. This year is flying by! I had conferences with the kids' teachers this week and saw their report cards. It went well. Jack likes to talk (which we know) and the teacher asked me to ask him who she can sit him next to that he won't talk to, and I said he will talk to the wall! The girls' are coming along, especially Anna has made major improvements in the last month. The reading is clicking and she is able to sound out many words. Kate is the most talkative, but has been getting better with her impulses. All of the girls got good reports on their behavior and maturity.

 Jack's grades
 Anna's grades
 They had to write a sentence and draw a picture with a sun in it. The sentence could be about anything. This is the first time they have ever been asked to write a sentence.
 Elizabeth's grades

 Kate's grades

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