Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Let the Summer Begin

Over Memorial Day weekend, the we bought a new car for John, the kids had a lemonade stand, we swam, played soccer and baseball in the yard and rode bikes.

On Tuesday, technically our first day of summer vacation, I took the kids to walmart to spend their lemonade money--which we tried to tell them it is okay to SAVE it, but it was burning a hole in their pockets. The girls bought a dog for their American girl dolls and Jack bought a sweatband. After Walmart, I took the kids to the library to sign up for the summer reading program. In the car, Jack put his headband and very seriously asked me, "Mom, do you think I can wear this until I play in the NBA." and then, "When I get drafted." It was very cute. I told him, of course he could. I had to snap a picture of him wearing it. He has been wearing it nonstop this week since.

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