Monday, September 7, 2015

"Labor" Day

We had a fun "Labor" day weekend.We did some fun stuff, but we got some deep cleaning done too. John cleaned the carpets and both cars on Sunday. The girls cleaned all the kitchen chairs and table. I cleaned under all the beds (wow, there was a ton of stuff under the kids' beds), rearranged the girls' bedroom, hung up some nightlight flowers from Aunt Sarah and cleaned out all the kids' junk drawers and clutter on their dressers. I ended up with a few boxes of things to donate. I love to declutter!

Aside from laboring, we also swam in the pool quite a bit (we are closing the pool this next week), had some homemade strawberry daiquiris (John's making), got a slush downtown Bentonville, John and Jack played golf (twice) and went to our neighbor's house to watch the opening game of the Razorbacks. Plus, the kids were back and forth all weekend with the neighbor kids.

Carter is such a good doggie

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