Saturday, September 12, 2015

Squirrel Cook-Out

We went to check out the squirrel cook-out downtown on the square. First we checked out the farmer's market and the girls loved holding the baby chicks and "milking" a cow. The squirrel cook-off is held each year right off the square. One of our neighbors was a contestant this year, so we went to see him, but he didn't have any samples left. We watched a few more contestants and the kids said they wanted to try something, so they did. I'm not even sure what they had. I do know there was 70% squirrel meat in it though.

TV crews. This is usually on the Food network. 

The truck with the announcer, conveniently parked in front of the 21C.

"tastes like chicken" sign. I'm not so sure. Check out the overalls
The city girls wanted to try the squirrel.

Jack tried it too. John and I did not...

Love Anna is holding her nose in this picture

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