Saturday, October 17, 2015

Busy Saturday

Let's see, I dropped off Jack at golf, went to put gas in the car, went to the bank, went to tennis (but there was no class this week), so took the girls to Walmart to pick up a few things, went to pick up some photos from a friend at her house, then dropped the girls off at a birthday party, went to pick up Jack from golf, went to watch a friend play a baseball game, then left the game to pick up the girls at the birthday party and take them to Nutcracker practice...whew!

(Oh, and did I mention, before I did all this, I ran 10 miles this morning, got my chicken chili in the crock pot, made cinnamon rolls, folded a load of laundry and unloaded the dishwasher.)

At First Tee, Kate took this picture from the car.
The birthday party was Harry Potter themed and they took these cute pictures of the kids

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