Tuesday, October 20, 2015

First Quarter Grades

Well, we survived the first quarter. We had the kids' conferences today. Jack's teacher said he is doing well and really her only concern was his "love to talk." Yep, that is him. I think we heard the same thing last year from his teacher. We were proud of his reading this quarter. He met his 5th Accelerated Reader goal (they have to make at least one a quarter). He has taken off reading this year. He found some good baseball books and really is enjoying them.

We met with the girls' teacher after Jack's. The girls had a good quarter too. Their star reading tests are at or above the average for their grade level. Kate's level was 1.2-2.2 (so her reading level is first grade month two to second grade, month two). Anna was 1.1-2.1 and Elizabeth's was 1.6-2.6. None of them has tested into AR yet, but they take the star tests every month until they do. They will take another test on Thursday and Ms. Seiler thinks Elizabeth should test in. She expects Anna and Kate will test in by December. We have been working so hard on their reading, so I hope so!

Kate's goals
I want to get better at my math facts. I went to get better at handwriting. I want to get better at reed. I want to get better at qichrs (p is backwards, I think it is supposed to be pictures). Her science grade is low because of her low first test grade. We need to teach her to slow down and think about what she is doing when taking tests! We are proud of all the levels of math facts she as passed so far and all her As and Bs.
Elizabeth's Goals
I want to get better at lissning. I want to get better at getting better scores. I want to get better at math facts. I want to get better at not inarupting (interrupting). I want to get better at mission statement. I want to get better at reading.
We are proud of all her As and she got an O in handwriting which is very rare. Jack has never got an O.
Anna's Goals
I want to get better at math facts. I want to get better at writing. I want to get better at reading. I want to get better at mission statement.  
We are proud of all her hard work and all As and Bs.

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