Thursday, January 14, 2016

Carter (by John)

Thursday evening, John picked up the book, The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis to read/skim. I'm sure he was thinking of Carter. He has had the book for a long time. This is the picture he found inside the pages of the book:

Ironically, a few minutes before this, Jack, who was upset when he came back from basketball, was asking if we had a picture of Carter when we first got him. He later sent the picture and this text:
He also is known for inserting "Carter" into songs. He sent me this email after I went to bed Thursday night. He rewrote the lyrics.

Oh Cartie boy, the piples, the pipes, they're calling you.

From glen to glen and down the mountainside

Winter's come, and all the flowers have died.

Tis you, tis you must go and we must bide

But we'll meet again in heaven's glorious meadow

Oh how we wish you didn't have to go

You stuck by us in sunshine and in shadow.

Oh Cartie boy, Oh Cartie boy, we love you so.

The back of this book was fitting for the experience we had endured that day.
John moved this picture of Carter to our bedroom dresser.

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