Sunday, April 2, 2017

Baseball Season Opener

Express played in the April Fools Day Classic yesterday and today.  Grandmom and Granddad were able to watch Jack play yesterday in his two games. They lost the first game to a AAA team 17-6 and won the second game 15-6. Jack pitched one inning in the first game and caught one inning in the first game. He played first base in the second game. In the first game he had two runs, one walk and one reached on error in two at-bats with four stolen bases. Pitching, he had two hits, two runs and one strike out. In the second game, he had three at-bats with two hits, two runs, four stolen bases and one ground-out.

Today, they ended up playing the same team AAA as yesterday and lost 12-1. Jack had one at-bat and struck out. He played first the whole game. It started raining about half-way through the game but they continued to play. It was a good experience for the boys. They ended up 7th in the tournament.

Jack is number 16

Playing first base
Such a good group of boys
One of the team mom's put this picture next to the boys from the Sandlot.
 First time playing catcher--and it was a long inning for Jack!

 He pitched one inning

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