Friday, April 21, 2017

World Experience Day--Native America

This is such a fun day for the kids. The parents spend half a year organizing a country and transform the school property to it. The day starts with the kids getting their passports stamped and then they rotate through different stations throughout the day. This year the county was Native America.

Opening ceremonies--It's a Small World
Leather making station
arrowhead dig
Navaho code talking
Can they break the code?
Grinding grain
Cave drawings. Cool glow in the dark chalk is awesome!
Native American flute
Wax museum and trail of tears (7th and 8th grade helped with this)
Animal tracking
The legend of the Orca puppet show
The legend of the strawberry
St. Kateri Takakwitha
Lewis and Clark, Sacajawea and Will Rogers travel the school educating along the way
Canoe racing--Jack and Brennan did really well with this!
Each class made their own totem pole
Indoor lacrosse
Corn husk dolls

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