Sunday, July 16, 2017

Mt. Magazine

After Grandmom and Granddad left, Sarah and I took the girls up to Mt. Magazine today. We stopped to eat lunch in Paris, AR and to see the Eiffel Tower. Since it was Marie's birthday, it was cool she was in Paris this year (she was really in Paris two years ago on her birthday). After lunch, we made it up to the highest point in Arkansas--about 2700 ft. At the visitor's center, the girls decorated tree cookies. Then we did about a mile hike up to the highest point. After hiking, Sarah took the girls to Hot Springs while I met John to pick up Jack in Ft. Smith coming back from his baseball tournament.

 walking to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, AR

hiking to the high point

 highest point

 We signed our names in the notebook at the top of the mountain

 hiking back down

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