Sunday, June 10, 2018

CASM Gold/Silver Ring State Warm-up

The boys had some tough draws in the pool play this weekend. They started the day with the number one ranked team in the state and lost 12-0. That team ended up winning the tournament. Jack only had one at bat and grounded out. The second team they played were ranked 5th in the state and they ended up finishing second in the tournament. Jack had one at-bat, one hit, one stolen base and scored. He also pitched in that game too. They lost that game too, 9-4. In the bracket play, they played better, and were winning most of the game until the last inning when the other team scored some runs to tie up the game 8-8. They went into extra innings and ended up losing 8-9. Jack had one at-bat, one walk, one stolen base and one run in that game.

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