Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Track Meet #3: Lincoln

The SVdP girls won this meet! SVdP has never won a meet outside of conference before. There were 13 teams there. Anna and Elizabeth were part of the 4x400 team that placed first. Anna won the 1600m (5:30.79) and Elizabeth was second (5:44.50). Kate ran the 400m for the first time in a while and placed first with a new PR (1:04.87). Anna won the 800m (2:29.85), Kate was second (2:35.69) and Elizabeth was third (2:37.48). Elizabeth was second in the triple jump with a new PR 29'11.5". Anna was 5th in the high jump with a jump of 4-4. Kate did not do a lot of sprints in this meet because she is still recovering from her strained calf. I don't have any pictures because I was busy helping coaching on the field. 


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