Saturday, September 2, 2023

RHS First XC Meet

The girls had their first XC with Rogers today in Kansas. It was a big meet with a lot of competition. This is their second time racing a 5k on the grass. They all set PRs. Kate finished 6th (19.09.30). This is a 53 second PR from last season. Elizabeth finished 29th (20.20.00). This is a 48 second PR. Anna was 30th (20.27.30). This is a 16 second PR from last year. Anna and Elizabeth are fighting colds. Rogers Team came in second to a team that was ranked 14th nationally last year. The girls had a great time riding the bus, eating dinner and spending the night in the hotel with their friends. Grandmom and Granddad were visiting and got to see the girls run.


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