I had another doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything checked out well. I was so relieved considering the last two weeks I have had with my mouth surgery. The babies are pretty selfish when it comes to growing, they didn't seem to notice that I was in too much pain to eat most of last week and had lost 3# since my appointment 2 weeks ago. They are still a similar size to a single baby in relation to their age at 24 weeks. This is very good news. At some point, due to the size and space limits, their weights and lengths will drop compared to single pregnancies. As for now, they seem not to mind the space limitation yet. My blood pressure was fine (110/78), cervix was long and closed and I measured fine. These next 3.5 weeks are a critical time for the babies. 28 weeks is a milestone and then 32 weeks. Right now, my sister is at the house helping with Jack, dinner, cleaning and everything else. What a huge help, considering John is out-of-town until Thursday. Thanks Julie!
Below are their pictures and some of their stats. The ultrasound tech was so nice this time around. She gave me so many pictures. And, she triple checked the genders of the babies again. I asked her since we painted the nursery pink last week! I am beginning to be able to see ultrasound pictures and know what I am viewing. I even can spot the kidneys vs. eye sockets now. I posted a few of the best of the pictures. At the time of the ultrasound yesterday, I was 24 weeks, 4 days.
Right now Baby A is in a difficult position to get good pictures, this is the best one we got.
Her head is at the right side of the picture and it is a profile of her face.
Weight: 1# 10 oz 56th percentile
HR: 146

Baby B: She is laying behind the other two, near my spine at the moment.
She is still the smallest of the bunch, but in the last 4 weeks she has doubled her weight (went from 12 oz to 1# 8 oz)
Weight: 1# 8 oz upper 40th percentile
HR: 144
This is a profile of her face, pointing to the left of the picture. Her hand is near her face.
Another picture of Baby B. Profile of the face with her hand near her face. Her head is on the left of the picture.
This is a picture of her looking at the camera with her mouth open!
Profile picture of Baby C with head at the left of the picture.

This picture cracked us up. She has all the room right now, so her legs are up by her head. She is in a perfect pike sit (Her great aunts would be proud). What do you think? Maybe the gymnast of the bunch?
Below are their pictures and some of their stats. The ultrasound tech was so nice this time around. She gave me so many pictures. And, she triple checked the genders of the babies again. I asked her since we painted the nursery pink last week! I am beginning to be able to see ultrasound pictures and know what I am viewing. I even can spot the kidneys vs. eye sockets now. I posted a few of the best of the pictures. At the time of the ultrasound yesterday, I was 24 weeks, 4 days.
Right now Baby A is in a difficult position to get good pictures, this is the best one we got.
Her head is at the right side of the picture and it is a profile of her face.
Weight: 1# 10 oz 56th percentile
HR: 146
Baby B: She is laying behind the other two, near my spine at the moment.
She is still the smallest of the bunch, but in the last 4 weeks she has doubled her weight (went from 12 oz to 1# 8 oz)
Weight: 1# 8 oz upper 40th percentile
HR: 144
This is a profile of her face, pointing to the left of the picture. Her hand is near her face.
Another picture of Baby B. Profile of the face with her hand near her face. Her head is on the left of the picture.
Baby C: She is at the top and has the most room at the moment.
Weight: 1# 10 oz (58th percentile)
HR: 155
This is a picture of her looking at the camera with her mouth open!
Profile picture of Baby C with head at the left of the picture.
This picture cracked us up. She has all the room right now, so her legs are up by her head. She is in a perfect pike sit (Her great aunts would be proud). What do you think? Maybe the gymnast of the bunch?
So, I have almost 5# of baby. In 4 weeks, they have put on almost 2# all together.
Our next appointment is in two weeks where they will continue to monitor me for any signs of preterm labor and check on the babies. I will also do my glucose tolerance test during this visit to screen for diabetes. The next ultrasound will be in 4 weeks. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
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