Monday, June 8, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick update on the babies. I went to see the doctor this morning. Everything looks good. The heartbeats via doppler were 140-160s, no signs of preterm labor, weight gain and measurement are good and blood pressure is fine. And, the pulse I hear in my right ear is normal. It is just due to my increased blood volume. I will go back in two weeks for another appointment and ultrasound. At that point, I will be just over 24 weeks. The doctor said between 24 and 32 weeks is probably the most important time in these kids lives and I will need to limit my activity some. Jack and I will cut out our evening walks. Someone telling you you cannot exercise is like the worse and best news you can hear at the same time! But, I understand from working in the NICU there is a major difference in babies born at 24 weeks and those born at 32 weeks. It looks like it will be a lazy summer at the Scudder house (followed by a crazy fall!)

We picked out the colors for the nursery and Jack's new bedroom and are having them painted this week. We hope to put their rooms together this weekend when my parents come to help us out. Once we get them done, I will post some pictures.

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