It is all too common with multiple births...preterm labor. I was thinking I was going to avoid this since my pregnancy was going so well.
Just a quick update since Monday. I started having more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. They were not painful, just a stomach tightening. I usually have 5 or so a day, when I walk up the stairs or pick up Jack (which I am not doing all that much these days). I noticed on Monday I was having them just walking around or standing up. I had quite a few in the morning while showering and getting ready. They seemed to slow down once I sat down. Thankfully, Sarah took Jack to the zoo for the morning and I rested. I started to notice them while I was sitting and around 3 pm, I laid down and I had 3 within 15 minutes. I waited for more, but I didn't have anymore in about 30 minutes. I called the doctor around 330 pm and they wanted me to be checked at the hospital. I headed downtown around 415 pm and picked up John on the way. Once we got to L&D, the resident quickly checked me and told me I was 0 cm, but I was having irregular contractions. They told me to drink water since sometimes dehydration can cause contractions. My doctor came in around 7 pm and told me he would check me in an hour, and if I had no change, we could go home. At this point, the contraction intensity and frequency increased. I had minor cramping as well with the contractions. At 8 pm I was dilated to 1 cm. My doctor came back around 9 pm and checked me himself and he said I was 1.5 cm. So he decided to admit me, give me steroids (betamethasone) to help develop the babies lungs and some medication (indocin) to slow down the contractions and give time for the steroids to work (48 hours). I received the medications around 10 pm and at midnight I was at 2 cm. They gave a second dose of the indocin to slow down the contractions more and at 2 am I was still at 2 cm The contractions had slowed down from 30-40 seconds to about 3-5 minutes apart. Throughout yesterday morning, they slowed more and now, almost 48 hours later, I only have them when I get up and move around and just a few when I am sitting or laying down. The goal of the indocin was to give the steroids 48 hours to work on the babies lungs, which it did. That will be around 10 pm tonight. So we are really thankful for it to have worked. My last dose of the indocin will be later this afternoon. Because of the side effects, I can only have the indocin for 48 hours. They plan to monitor me until tomorrow, check me and if no change in dilation or contraction frequency, send me home. I will probably be on some sort of bed rest, depending on the contractions. I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow, I hope I can make it another two weeks at least. Thanks everyone for the prayers. I'll keep you updated.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Block Party
We had a block party today. It was really nice to see neighbors on our block and meet new people. We talk to a lot of our neighbors, but we didn't know the ones to the north of us very well. There was great food, a Western Springs fire truck, a slip-in-slide, bean bag toss and a big bouncy. Jack like the fire truck the best (aside from the food, of course). Here are a few pictures.

Sitting in the truck, now, where's the fire?

The firemen sprayed the hose, but Jack was no where near the water as you can see.

This might have been the closest he got to the water

I wasn't' going to get in the truck, but the fireman made me. Jack could barely fit on my lap between my belly and the steering wheel.

After the party, Jack was tired. We gave him a bath and made the BIG move from the crib to the big boy bed. We'll have to see how this transition goes. He actually went to bed without a peep--John commented that it can't possibly be that easy. I don't know, he has always been such a great boy going to bed and taking naps. We never have had any issues with him being up at night since he started sleeping through the night at 3 months. He may never learn he can get out of the bed by himself. We'll have to see how the night goes and what time he is up tomorrow morning.
John and Jack checking out the truck
The firemen sprayed the hose, but Jack was no where near the water as you can see.
This might have been the closest he got to the water
I wasn't' going to get in the truck, but the fireman made me. Jack could barely fit on my lap between my belly and the steering wheel.
After the party, Jack was tired. We gave him a bath and made the BIG move from the crib to the big boy bed. We'll have to see how this transition goes. He actually went to bed without a peep--John commented that it can't possibly be that easy. I don't know, he has always been such a great boy going to bed and taking naps. We never have had any issues with him being up at night since he started sleeping through the night at 3 months. He may never learn he can get out of the bed by himself. We'll have to see how the night goes and what time he is up tomorrow morning.
Transitioning Jack to his new bed is one of the last items on my list. I created a list shortly after I found out I was having triplets of things to get done, buy and figure out before they are born. In just a few short months, we have accomplished just about everything with the help of many people. We are waiting on our mini-van we ordered and should iron out the details with our new nanny in the next week or so. These were the last two big items on the list. It is a relief to feel like we have everything in order before the chaos of the babies will consume our lives in a few weeks.
Frazier Visit
This past week we were blessed to have John's sister, Susie and her three daughters come to help us out. Jack got a small taste of what it will be like to be around three girls all the time. Her kids are so good and were so helpful. Jack loved to play with Sarah and Claire, the two older ones, and Amy, the youngest as well. Sarah and Claire were so great in watching Jack while they played outside and entertaining him inside. He and Amy were funny to watch, they acted a lot like brother and sister and had their moments. Jack needs siblings to learn how to share! He didn't like Amy playing with all his toys. It is so nice for Jack to have playmates this summer since we haven't been out much and Susie took him to the park a few days, the pool and a water park.

We spent a lot of time at John's brother's house this week so all the cousins were together. They live right around the corner from us and have been such a huge help this summer as well. Jack loves his Aunt Sarah and playing with her kids too. Between Susie and Sarah, all the meals were taken care of for the 8 kids, and the days were filled with activities.
Here are the three girls playing Ring Around the Rosie with Jack. I wish I had half of their energy!
We spent a lot of time at John's brother's house this week so all the cousins were together. They live right around the corner from us and have been such a huge help this summer as well. Jack loves his Aunt Sarah and playing with her kids too. Between Susie and Sarah, all the meals were taken care of for the 8 kids, and the days were filled with activities.
Here are the cousins playing outside at the Scudder house
Carter the Cat-Dog
Those of you that know Carter well, know we have always referred to him as part cat. He loves to sit in odd places. The other day I was sitting on the couch and he decided that he needed to sit right next to me...on the end table. So, I grabbed the camera and took a few pictures. What an odd dog--but we love him!

Monday, July 20, 2009
Over 28 Weeks amd Counting...
It is so reassuring to go to the doctor and know everything is going well. Today, I had my check up and my measurements, blood pressure (100/60), weight and babies heartbeats were good. There is no sign of preterm labor, my cervix is unchanged. The ultrasound was done after the appointment and these babies are getting quite big! I could tell this by the pictures on the screen. I didn't get any new pictures to post and forgot to even ask until after the ultrasound was done. Here are the stats:
Baby A: She hit quite a growth spurt this past month. She is 3# which is the 65 percentile. She is still head down. Hopefully she stays put for us.
Baby B: 2# 8 oz. But, again, she has the worst position of the three, and she is the hardest to measure. The measurements are what determine the weights of the babies. So, this child could be "small" because of the measurements that are hard to obtain on her. She is in the 35 percentile.
Baby C: 2# 13 0z. She is in the 54 percentile. This one might be our little gymnast. We noticed she has flipped since the ultrasound 4 weeks ago. Her head was on the right side then, and now is on the left side. She has so much room, right into my ribs!
All three of the babies seem to like my right side, that is where they are hanging out right now.
I'll go back in two weeks for an appointment. I'll be over 30 weeks by then which will be great. Every day counts!
Baby A: She hit quite a growth spurt this past month. She is 3# which is the 65 percentile. She is still head down. Hopefully she stays put for us.
Baby B: 2# 8 oz. But, again, she has the worst position of the three, and she is the hardest to measure. The measurements are what determine the weights of the babies. So, this child could be "small" because of the measurements that are hard to obtain on her. She is in the 35 percentile.
Baby C: 2# 13 0z. She is in the 54 percentile. This one might be our little gymnast. We noticed she has flipped since the ultrasound 4 weeks ago. Her head was on the right side then, and now is on the left side. She has so much room, right into my ribs!
All three of the babies seem to like my right side, that is where they are hanging out right now.
I'll go back in two weeks for an appointment. I'll be over 30 weeks by then which will be great. Every day counts!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Visitors From Ohio
This past week we had our friends come from Ohio to visit us. Jack and Abby spent so much time together when we lived there. Her mom, Sarah, and I are such good friends, too. We miss them being a mile a way!
Jack waiting for his friend, Abby
Saturday, July 11, 2009
6 Months--27 Weeks
It seems such a short time, 6 months when a pregnancy is 9 months. But, when you say I am 27 weeks, it seems like a longer time frame. Especially when the average triplet pregnancy is about 7 months or 32-33 weeks. Either way you look at it, here is a picture I took. The aches and pains of pregnancy are bothering me, as well as the sleeping (or lack of), but everyone who has ever been pregnant knows what I am talking about. I made John buy me a body pillow last week and that has helped some. The hardest part for me to think about is the time left in the pregnancy. My guess is I am getting close to the size I was when I delivered Jack (he was 3 weeks early and I measured small) and I can't imagine getting bigger for the next month! I read somewhere in my pregnancy books that at 28 weeks, women with triplets are similar size to women pregnant with single babies at 40 weeks. The next count down date is Aug. 13, the date I will be 32 weeks. This is the earliest I would want to deliver them. Just keep telling myself I can do it, it is not that much longer! Every day counts; my years working in the NICU are constant reminders of why it is so important for these girls to stay in as long as possible.
Cooking with Granddad
PeePaw and GeeMaw Come to Visit
Monday, July 6, 2009
Just Past 26 Weeks
Just a check up at the doctor's office today. Everything checked out fine. Baby A's heartbeat was 140, Baby B's heartbeat was 150 and Baby C's heartbeat was in the upper 150s. I measured fine and my blood pressure and weight were good. I have been having braxton hicks contractions that I have noticed a little more this past week, but the doctor said as long as they go away with rest and hydration, they were fine. There were no signs of preterm labor. When I got home, there was a message from the nurse about my blood work done today. I thought I failed the glucose tolerance test! When I called her back, it wasn't that. My glucose was 109 (should be less than 140), but my blood count was low, meaning I am anemic. My hematocrit was 28.6% (normal is around 40%, but in pregnancy this number is lower due to the increased blood volume and low iron stores. Plus with multiples, it is common for the babies to take everything from the mom and the mother becoming anemic.) The nurse said in the third trimester, they like to see this number above 30%, so it is not too low. It can contribute to feeling tired and dizzy which I have been feeling. All this really means is I'll have to take iron supplements twice a day for the rest of the pregnancy.
I go back on the 20th--in two weeks-- for another appointment and ultrasound. At that point, I'll be past the 28 week mark, the second milestone I have been counting. (The first being 24 weeks, which is pretty much the earliest a baby can be born and survive). Between 24 and 28 weeks, the babies have a long run in the NICU and high percentage of developmental delays and disabilities. Between 28 and 32 weeks, that percentage drops and at 32 weeks the babies would spend some time in the NICU, but the risk for delays and disability is pretty low.
I'll also be 6 months on Wednesday the 8th, so I'll try to post some pictures of my rapidly growing belly.
I go back on the 20th--in two weeks-- for another appointment and ultrasound. At that point, I'll be past the 28 week mark, the second milestone I have been counting. (The first being 24 weeks, which is pretty much the earliest a baby can be born and survive). Between 24 and 28 weeks, the babies have a long run in the NICU and high percentage of developmental delays and disabilities. Between 28 and 32 weeks, that percentage drops and at 32 weeks the babies would spend some time in the NICU, but the risk for delays and disability is pretty low.
I'll also be 6 months on Wednesday the 8th, so I'll try to post some pictures of my rapidly growing belly.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Summer Fun
Jack has had many visitors this summer to help me and also to play with. Julie and her kids came for a week and it was so hot! The kids had fun in the pool!

Jack's cousins: Ambria, Braden & Abby play with Jack
PeePaw, Michael and Nicholas swimming in the pool and playing with the squirt guns Julie left behind for Jack
Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July! Too bad it rained the entire day here (well, it did sort of stop for the fireworks in the evening)! John took Jack to a parade in Hinsdale. In the past two months, he has been to three and he has learned that he gets suckers at parades. So, of course, he loves to go to parades.

We took Jack to the fireworks last night in La Grange, which were set off at the country club near our home. We got there around 8:30p and the fireworks were scheduled to start around 9:15p. Well, we don't know why they were delayed, if it was the sprinkling rain, or wet grass, but they didn't start until after 10pm. Jack fell asleep waiting. Once they started, we woke him up and he enjoyed them. This is the first time he has seen any sort of fireworks. He kept saying, "That is a BIG one!" or "This one has lots of colors!" What a late night, but we had a good time.
Here are the two boys before the parade
We took Jack to the fireworks last night in La Grange, which were set off at the country club near our home. We got there around 8:30p and the fireworks were scheduled to start around 9:15p. Well, we don't know why they were delayed, if it was the sprinkling rain, or wet grass, but they didn't start until after 10pm. Jack fell asleep waiting. Once they started, we woke him up and he enjoyed them. This is the first time he has seen any sort of fireworks. He kept saying, "That is a BIG one!" or "This one has lots of colors!" What a late night, but we had a good time.
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