John and Jack checking out the truck
The firemen sprayed the hose, but Jack was no where near the water as you can see.
This might have been the closest he got to the water
I wasn't' going to get in the truck, but the fireman made me. Jack could barely fit on my lap between my belly and the steering wheel.
After the party, Jack was tired. We gave him a bath and made the BIG move from the crib to the big boy bed. We'll have to see how this transition goes. He actually went to bed without a peep--John commented that it can't possibly be that easy. I don't know, he has always been such a great boy going to bed and taking naps. We never have had any issues with him being up at night since he started sleeping through the night at 3 months. He may never learn he can get out of the bed by himself. We'll have to see how the night goes and what time he is up tomorrow morning.
Transitioning Jack to his new bed is one of the last items on my list. I created a list shortly after I found out I was having triplets of things to get done, buy and figure out before they are born. In just a few short months, we have accomplished just about everything with the help of many people. We are waiting on our mini-van we ordered and should iron out the details with our new nanny in the next week or so. These were the last two big items on the list. It is a relief to feel like we have everything in order before the chaos of the babies will consume our lives in a few weeks.
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