Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Fun!

Today, John took Jack downtown with the Fraziers and Scudders to see the Christmas lights. It was cold and there were so many people! I stayed back with the girls, and we enjoyed the afternoon inside the warm house.
Amy and Jack


Margaret, Amy, Jack, Michael, Sarah, Erin and Tim

Elizabeth trying to suck her thumb

Holding the girls tonight

Thursday, November 26, 2009


We had a great Thanksgiving Day! The Fraziers, Mimi and Papa and Aunt Cindy came up to spend the day with us. We had dinner at Mike and Sarah's house with everyone. It was a nice day, the babies were spoiled and held all day and loved every minute of it! Jack loves his cousins and enjoyed running with the older kids all day long. Great food, even better company! Can't beat spending the day with family.

Aunt Cindy holding Anna. Michael watching
Uncle Tim holding Kate, Aunt Cindy holding Anna and Michael--watching the 'Home Alone' marathon


Do you think she is loved? Aunt Susie, Aunt Cindy, Sarah and Elizabeth

Cutting the turkey

Aunt Cindy and Elizabeth

Sarah and Jack

The dinner table

The menu that Margaret made. She had these at every place setting.

The kids eating dinner

Aunt Susie and Sarah with Elizabeth
Aunt Sarah and Anna

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It is so nice to grow up with cousins! I took this picture tonight of Nicholas and Jack. They are becoming such great friends, even though they are two years apart. Nicholas is such a nice boy and is so good to Jack. Tonight, Jack came back to our house from playing with Nicholas at his house in a football outfit to match Nicholas. Jack is so proud to be just like his older cousin!

(And, yes, I have my tree up, would you expect anything less? Madeline is my huge helper!)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Three Months

The girls are three months old today. I tried to get some good pictures of them, but Kate was the only one who gave me good smiles this morning. Can't believe how fast the time is going and how big they are getting!

Anna is 6 lbs 15.5 oz. and 21 inches long. Her head measured 36.75cm.

She wouldn't smile this morning, but had big smiles this afternoon.

Elizabeth is 6 lbs. 1.5 oz. (almost doubled her birth weight of 3 lbs. 1 oz.) and is 20 inches long. Her head measured 36.5 cm.

Elizabeth's roller coaster arms

Kate is 6 lbs. 2.5 oz. and 21 inches long. Her head measured 35.5 cm.

Kate had some smiles for me this morning.

The girls are doing great. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful this year!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fun Pictures!

I took some pictures of the kids tonight. They were in such a good mood for some reason. The girls usually are crying for me in the evening, but they must have known I was alone tonight because John had a meeting late at work. Jack was a good boy for me today too, especially after falling asleep for three hours this afternoon! I guess this is what happens after not napping and still getting up at 6am, it finally catches up with him and he falls asleep in the afternoon. I actually had all four kids asleep for a short duration today, from 330-4pm and I laid down myself too--until, you guess who woke up first, ten minutes before feeding time...Elizabeth.

Anna is getting so strong! And she is tolerating tummy time better these days.
Anna loves to look at faces
Kate joins in on the fun

I love this picture of the girls I took tonight. And, no, I didn't put them in order on purpose.

Jack is a cutie pie!

Somehow they are all looking at the camera

Smiles from Elizabeth

So sweet. I take mental pictures of this angel face and remember them when she is screaming at me in the evenings.

Anna's smiles


Anna has been sleeping through the night the last few nights. She wakes up once and all I have to do is put the pacifier in her mouth. She woke up one morning at 8am. She is taking more in her bottles now too, I guess she has to make up for the missed feeding somewhere. Sometimes she will eat over 5 ounces! We have been swaddling all three girls less now, and try to leave their arms out during the days. It's funny, because they are noticing their hands now and trying to suck their thumbs! Kate had a scratch on the side of her face today from her nails...guess it's time to get the clippers out again! They will be three months old on Saturday-yikes- and I'll post their stats and pictures then.
Happy Friday!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Anna's, Elizabeth's & Kate's Baptism

What a special day for us! And to share it with so many wonderful friends and family was more than what we could ask for. We are so thankful to be surrounded by such awesome people. Pulling off this Baptism could not have happened without all the help from our family members who cooked and brought food, made the Baptismal gowns, made the cakes, offered up their house for a place for the fifty plus guests, and all the cleaning! Words cannot express our gratitude.

Jack was able to wear the Baptismal gown that my grandfather wore on his Baptismal day. Since the gown couldn't be split three ways, my mother offered to make gowns for our girls. We were thankful to have meaning behind these gowns and know the girls will appreciate them, handmade by their Grandmom. They turned out absolutely perfect. The girls looked like little angels in them. She also made the cakes which turned out perfect as well, but I didn't get a picture of them.

We had the party before the ceremony at the other Scudder house--John's brother Mike offered to host the party for us. They have such a beautiful house for hosting parties and live literally around the corner from us.
My niece Sarah holding Elizabeth

My little sister Sarah with her little girl Marie and my brother's youngest, Maria. This is the first time we met both of our newest nieces.

Mimi (Victoria) holding Anna Victoria

My grandmother, Maxine, holding Katherine Maxine

Great Aunt Mary holding Anna
Men discussing Notre Dame football, I believe. Charlie Weis is gone, who will replace him?

My sister Sarah and Marie and my Grandfather. We are so thankful they were able to make the trip up to see the girls be baptized.
Aunt Susie and her Goddaughter, Anna, being held by Amy

My niece Claire holding her mini-me, Kate

Tim with his Goddaughter Anna being held by Amy


I have to throw a few pictures in of my two newest nieces since this is the first time I have met them. This is one of them, Maria, who is six months old.

Father Dowdle at St. John of the Cross. He was nice enough to do a private ceremony for the girls. He told us he has never Baptized triplets before.

Anna's Baptism

Anna with Godparents, Susie and Tim Frazier

Elizabeth's Baptism

Elizabeth and her Godparents, Neil Szczepanski and Sarah Wakefield

Kate's Baptism

Kate and her Godparents, Sarah Scudder and Mark Scudder

Baptismal Candles

After the ceremony we attempted to get some pictures of all the kids.
This one is of all the cousins to our kids--both the ones on John's side and on my side. I don't think anyone is missing, actually.

The Scudder family--Jack was about done smiling for pictures at at this point

Grandmom holding one of her granddaughters, Marie

The second of my two newest nieces. It was so great to finally meet Marie.

All the Scudder grandchildren (twelve of them)

All the Szczepanski grandchildren (twelve of them)
I love this picture of the grandmas holding Kate, Elizabeth and Anna (even though Elizabeth was screaming)

After the ceremony, Sarah was able to spend some time with us Sunday night before she flew back to Texas. She got Anna to smile at her!

Sarah an me holding Marie and Anna. They are five weeks apart. We can't wait until they are running around together.

The day flew by! I am hoping to post some more pictures other people took since I wasn't able to take them all. I wanted to get a few pictures of the decorated house but ran out of time. My three little girls and Jack are loved very much by their older cousins. My nieces and nephews made signs for the girls and posted them all around the house. They looked great and I can't wait for my girls to see them someday to appreciate them as well. They are so lucky to have all these older girls who take such good care of them. Thanks for all the hard work, I am sure they took quite some time to make.
Thanks to everyone who shared the day with us. God Bless Anna, Kate and Elizabeth and their Godparents.