Saturday, June 26, 2010


We were able to spend time with my brother and his family on Saturday morning. All the older kids picked wild raspberries with Granddad, Grandmom and Uncle Neil. They all had little bowls of berries they came back with and loved them! Jack's hands and face were stained red! It is fun to watch the kids grow up together. Even though Jack doesn't see the Szczepanski boys that often, we watched them play like they see each other every day. I can really tell a difference in Jack this summer as far as playing with the cousins. And, the little girls...well, they will be just as fun to watch as they grow up together!

Grandmom with the girls
How cute are these boys? Jack, Thomas and Kevin
Kevin and Jack are only seven months apart
Emily holding Kate. Grandmom and Thomas. (Notice Anna escaping to the fireplace! She is quite the mover and is close to pulling up to a stand!)
This is Elizabeth's new trick. She doesn't move, but she is trying to pull herself up!
Emily holding Anna
Kevie is so shy, but he played some with Kate and Elizabeth
Maria woke up and joins in on the fun! Now, if only the little Texan, Marie was here...
Anna: "Hey, I wish Marie was here."
 Kate: "Me, too. I miss her."
Elizabeth: "Well, we get to see her in a few weeks."
Maria: "At least these balls are interesting..."
Anna: "And they taste good, too."

Eating lunch on the deck

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