Sunday, June 6, 2010

"That There is an RV"

Jack went to his first White Sox game in style! He traveled there with John, the Scudder family and the Frazier family in a RV! They ordered Jimmy Johns, had lunch on the way and ice cream at the game! He had a great time and the White Sox beat the Indians. I stayed home with the girls...maybe next year we will all go!

The goofy cousins--all eight of them in the RV
Nice looking crew


Nicky and Uncle Mike. Nicky and Jack play together a lot. Walking home from church earlier that day, Nicky, who takes baseball very seriously,  informed Jack he wasn't going to talk to him at the game because he was going to be watching baseball. Jack replied, "I won't talk to you either." I am sure they exchanged words during the game. ;)

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