The three girls. They had just had baths so they were nice and clean! They like to stick their thumbs inside the nipple of their pacifiers and suck their thumb and pacifier at the same time. Every once in a while, their thumb gets stuck!
Anna: 12 lbs. 8.5 oz.
25 inches long
43cm head
Biggest accomplishments to date: She rolls all directions, crawls, and can go from her belly to crawling and crawling to sitting. She also plays on her knees, but hasn't pulled up to a stand yet. This new movement has made her a happier baby.
This is a John face.
Elizabeth: 11 lbs. 9 oz.
24.5 inches long
43cm head
Biggest accomplishments to date: Two lower central incisors. Rolls both directions, but doesn't do it on a consistent basis. Talks quite a bit--mama, dada, baba.
Kate: 11 lbs. 11 oz.
24.5 inches long
42.5cm head
Biggest accomplishments to date: Rolls all over the place in every direction and gets to where she wants to go by rolling there. Very close to rocking on all fours from belly. Dances all the time.
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