Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fourteen Months

The girls are fourteen months! They are doing new things all the time! All three play peek-a-boo, except, they put their hands on their face or ears instead of over their eyes. Elizabeth says uh oh, mama, dada and Jack. Elizabeth and Anna stand up from the ground and Anna has taken a step. Anna is so close to walking. She likes to play in a squat. Elizabeth has tried to step, but falls. Kate will balance standing and loves to walk with her walker. All three like to do headstands, either one handed or no handed. I will often flip them over and they love to do forward rolls. They love their baths, especially Kate who will splash and splash. They love being outside and getting pushed in their wagon and stroller. They still sleep great, but are getting close to transitioning out of their morning nap. They are starting to interact with each other, which means they will look at, touch and also grab toys out of each other's hands. Anna is the most aggressive, while Kate will cry and look for me to help. They love to play with their mama and are such happy babies, until I walk away! They are still skinny little girls, but strong too!

 Here is a random picture of the girls helping me fold laundry a few days ago.

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