Thursday, October 14, 2010

A New Generation of Playgroups

One of the reasons I was glad to move back home was I was going to be able to spend time with my family. So, I organized a playgroup with some of my cousins and their kids. I hosted the first one this week and five of my cousins were able to make it. It was so nice to see everyone and I love that our kids will grow up and be buddies. We are planning to schedule one each week!

Ava is a mini-me of her mom, Buffy
Anna and Kate
Dr. Bella checks up on Kate
One of two Annas there. Our Anna took a few steps before sitting down!

Buffy (awaiting baby #3 in a few weeks!) holding Kate
Angela loves all babies
Anna, Cecilia, Bella and Rebecca (Ava watching the older girls from behind...she was too scared to get any closer)
Jack giving Rebecca a hug
The moms (minus myself) and a few kids
An attempt at a picture of 16 kids under the age of 5:
Top row: Carter, Thomas, Kevin, Maria, Rebecca and Colin (trying desperately to escape!)

Front row: Beth holding Catherine, Brian, Cecilia holding Ava, Jack holding Anna, Bella holding Kate and Anna holding Elizabeth
The baby girls outside

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