Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why we Like Girls Around Here

I thought this was funny. Girls are so different than boys. They love to dress up and will put on these clothes by themselves. I remember Jack and how helpless he was when it came to dressing himself when he was their ages. Kate loves the dress up shoes. Elizabeth loves the skirts. Anna loves the accessories, especially the purses. While playing with the clothes, they all decided they needed their white canvas bag. Anna calls hers a purse and puts anything for her baby doll in it, i.e. bottles, diapers, doll clothes, etc. Kate wants to wear hers like a back pack. She put her shoes in it and any treasures of hers, i.e. lately the silly bands she calls, "my bracelets." Elizabeth filled hers with a variety of toys, balls, play food, you name it, it was in there and she had so much stuff, she had to find another bag. As I watched them, I smiled thinking about how different these little girls are. From each other, and from Jack.

Updates on the girls: They are all speaking so well. They are putting sentences together, repeating almost everything I say and calling each other by their names. It is very cute to hear them call out to each other. They also know their own names. Elizabeth calls herself Lizzie. I don't think she can pronounce Elizabeth. The girls love the book, Inside, Outside Upside Down. I started reading this book to them a few weeks before we moved and they are so funny. They will bring me the book and can be heard throughout the day saying, "Inside. Box!" "Outside. Box!"

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