Friday, November 4, 2011

Dog Show!

Aunt Mary and Uncle John wanted to take the girls to the Dog Show that was at the Coliseum this week. So today, we ventured out. Mary offered to go to church with us first at the all school mass. Then, we met up with John. The girls loved the dogs and loved Uncle John giving them candy and suckers! After the show, we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. The girls love to eat here. I crack up it cost us $0.60 for each of them to eat the buffet. Little does Pizza Hut know, but we are getting our money's worth and then some! My little girls are huge eaters! Anna loves pizza. When we asked her about going to eat pizza, she immediately said, "Mimi." She associated pizza with Mimi. We laughed and kept asking her all day things like, "Did you eat pizza today for lunch?" "Mimi." "Was the pizza good?" "Mimi." "Who likes pizza?" "Mimi." It was a lot of fun.

Jr. mints from Uncle John

Watching the golden retrievers. John and Mary used to show their golden.

Looking at the cocker spaniels

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