It is so interesting to watch these girls day to day. They like to do everything, "by myself," which means they try and sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don't. When I try to intervene with some help, it is often not wanted. I don't mind letting them do things by themselves. It becomes hard, however, when we are in a hurry to go somewhere and Anna wants to zip her own jacket---which that is one thing none of the girls have mastered yet. They are putting on jackets, hats, gloves, buckling their own car seats and buttons (most of the time). I also find it funny to see them choose the same items to wear as their sisters. The other day, Kate spilled water and needed to change her pants. She went upstairs and got herself a new pair. Within five minutes, the other two noticed her different pants and they too, were on their way upstairs to change into the new pants. Today, we raked leaves outside and while getting on coats and hats, all three changed their selections to match each other. Someone pulled out a pair of sunglasses and those all ended up matching too. Mittens, as well. Kate changed her purple ones once she saw the other two in pink. Jack was a great help with the leaves and the girls think they helped a lot too.
Today here are their choices in coats, hats, shoes and sunglasses:
Thing 2
Thing 1
Thing 3
The girls have been doing better with sleeping later in the mornings since the time change, however, this morning it was an early 5 AM morning. So, Elizabeth and Kate fell asleep before 6 tonight watching Polar Express and Anna came up to me and asked to go to bed. So I carried up the two girls and Anna laid down and fell asleep in her bed. Here is where Elizabeth decided to watch the movie from.