Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Well Check for Jack~6 years (a few weeks early)

Jack had his well check today. It was a little early for his 6 year check, but it was the only time I could schedule it while the girls were in school. It was very nice walking into the doctor's office hand-in-hand with my oldest child. Reminded me of the days before the girls when it was just Jack and me...going everywhere together. I can't believe he is almost 6 years old. He is a healthy child. His BMI is 50th percentile. He grew 2.5 inches since last year and now is 46.5 inches tall. He gained 3.5 pounds since last year and is 47.5 pounds. He is in the 75th percentile for height and 60th percentile for weight. I guess he may end up tall and thin like his dad after all~

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