Monday, November 19, 2012

Turkeys and Indians

Today, I went to Jack's classroom for his Thanksgiving feast. And when I say feast, it really was a feast! Complete with turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, popcorn, muffins, cookies steamed carrots, spinach stuffing (? not sure what that mother was looked delicious, but NONE of the kindergartners ate it--including Jack), applesauce, apple juice, pumpkin and apple pie. Their party was at 10 O'clock in the morning and they had lunch shortly after! I am not sure if the kids ate much for lunch. All the kindergartners were dressed in Indian attire they made. It was really cute to see. I was happy to be able to come into his classroom and help. St. Joseph does not allow [many] parents to help out in the classroom. The teachers like to keep it simple. Jack was very excited to see me!

I also had conferences with his teacher tonight that went well. Jack will start the programs, First in Math and the accelerated reader that are usually started in first grade. He is doing very well. The girls made the cutest hats at school today, I had to get a few pictures of them. And I took a picture of their turkeys they painted at school.

All kids are done with school and other activities as of 12:45 today for the rest of the week. It will be a nice Thanksgiving break!

I could only take one picture with my phone today before the battery died. I really need a new phone!

This one is Kate's.

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