The kids got to pick out their prize at the library for the reading program. Every ten days they read for 20 minutes (girls) or 30 minutes (Jack), they can pick out a prize. Jack wanted the free taco at Taco Bell coupon, so he talked the girls into getting that coupon too. Today, after the track, tennis and swimming, we went to Taco Bell to collect our free tacos. The girls have never eaten at Taco Bell and they were in heaven! They loved the tacos (except the lettuce)! Jack has already informed me for their next prize he wants to get the free kids meal at Applebees. Thanks to Aunt Sue Sue and the Frazier girls that read to the girls last weekend while we were in Arkansas!

I love they can still wear these dresses. This is the third summer they have worn them. They wore at their second birthday party as a dress, then last summer with bike shorts and this summer as a top. I crack up they are size 6-12 month dresses--obviously they run very big! Here they are walking to get Jack from Tennis so we could get our tacos.
In addition to the prize yesterday, the library was handing out free kid's meals at Chipolte. So we will have a free dinner next week from those!