Saturday, May 17, 2014

Elm Tree Race

We participated in the Elm Tree Race today. Elm Tree is an elementary school in town. My friend Jeannette that I run with has children that go to school there and her mom works there. The race is held each year in memory for her father that passed away a few years ago. He was an avid runner. It was a chilly morning, but the kids were super excited to "run the race."

Jack and I ran the 5K this time (two weeks ago, Jack and John ran the 5K). I kept telling him we had to beat his time a few weeks ago with daddy (35:12). He ended up keeping up with Jeannette's son, Owen who is a friend of his the whole race. Owen is 9 years old. His time was 31:01 and he came in 4th in his age division (8 & under) and 59th overall. The girls ran the fun run with John. He took my Garmin to keep their time. Around 0.3 miles, I saw them coming. I was there to get a few pictures but Elizabeth was not keeping fact she was a few feet behind John and crying. So, I ran/walked the rest of the race with her while John, Anna and Kate kept running. They ended up finishing their mile (1.02 miles) in 10:52 which I think is pretty good. I don't know Elizabeth's time since I didn't have my watch, but we finished hand-in-hand. I was proud of her she finished.

 Anna running
Kate (John was behind her and you can see Elizabeth behind John). This is where I started to run with Elizabeth.

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