Monday, June 1, 2015

Girls' Well Checks

The girls had their well checks this morning. They are healthy, growing girls! Anna has had a huge growth spurt this past year. She was 45.5 inches tall (60th percentile) and 40.5 pounds (30th percentile). Last year she was in the 40th percentile for height so she has jumped percentiles this past year. She has 20/20 vision and checked out great. Elizabeth was 43 inches tall (15th percentile) and 35 pounds (3rd percentile). She has been around these percentiles for a few years. She also has 20/20 vision and aside from the splinter that Dr. O pulled from her foot, she checked out great. Kate was 43.75 inches tall (28th percentile) and 40 pounds (25th percentile). She was at these percentiles for the last few years too. She had 20/25 vision and checked out great, too. Elizabeth is the only one with her second molars--she was very excited that she has 24 teeth and Kate and Anna only have 20. We are very thankful for healthy, growing girls!

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