Friday, October 28, 2016

Halloween Parties

Jack's teacher asked me to be the room mom this year. I have never volunteered to be a room mom. I have always helped with parties, but not the room mom role. But, he told me he wanted me and another mom (a good friend of mine) to be the parents, and I thought there must be a reason that he likes to pick his room moms. So, I agreed. I dropped off some witch hat cookies in the girls' room, but wasn't able to stay and help there. I worked a game station in Jack's classroom. I had them memorize objects on a tray for 60 seconds and then write down as many as they could. It was fun. After the party, Mr. Martin told me that was was the best party he has seen (I think he must say this to every room mom each year). It was very sweet to say. And, Jack loved me being in his classroom.

Quick picture of Jack at his dance station

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