Monday, October 31, 2016

New Job

The end of an era...I signed a contract working at the kids' school 20 hours a week as the school nurse. I started today. I feel like I hit the jackpot. Part time. School hours. At the same school with my kids. Elementary children. I really like the principal. The office staff is great. One of my good friends took the secretary job this year, so I get to work alongside her. I love the kids. I've learned the parents and families over the years volunteering. They know my face and trust me with their kids. The kids smile in the hallways when they see me and put a smile on my face when I get to help them. My kids like to find any excuse to come see me during the day (will have to work on this, but at the same time, I love being there with them).

First day story: Two pre-k students collided on the playground. I saw both of them. One had a small mark on his eye which needed some ice. One had a little red mark on her cheek. Both were fine, but I call the parent whenever there is a collision that involves the head. Even if it is minor. The little girl's mom is a friend of mine. I told her I would call her mom and she proceeded to tell me, "I know how to spell my mom's name!" Great, I tell her and she starts to tell me. "M." (Her mom's name is Michelle and I am impressed this 4 year-old is going to spell her name!) "O-M" she says.

Yep, you are right.

How can you not smile with that story?

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