Saturday, November 5, 2016

Anna's Chapter Books

We are so proud of this girl. Learning to read was not the easiest for her. She has worked so hard this past last year. She started in first grade right at grade level and missed testing into accelerated Reader (AR) until second semester last year. This year she worked her way from level 2.1 (second grade, month one) to 3.0 in the first quarter. She made three AR goals first quarter, earning 24 points by taking tests after she read her books. At conferences, her teacher gave me her AR log because she had filled it up with books she had read. She read all our books at home in her range and tested on them at school, and continued to check out extra ones from the library. On Thursday, she was allowed to check out a chapter book, which is a big deal for these second grade kids. She was so proud. She finished it Friday and reread it today out loud to John and I. She is ready to test on it on Monday and will hopefully do well. She wanted me to take a picture of her with her book. What a hard worker.

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