Sunday, November 27, 2016

Trimming the Tree

Grandmom and Granddad both stayed for the week after Thanksgiving so they could watch the girls dance in the Nutcracker. Today, we decided to get out all the Christmas decorations. We bought a new tree last year and when we started to put it together, we realized really quick a ton of the bulbs were already burned out. Grandmom and John spend a ton of time testing bulbs and changing them (they think there were about 300 bulbs that needed to be replaced).

The tree is quite a bit bigger than our last one. When it came time to put the angel on top, John had a hard time getting Elizabeth high enough. The solution was for him to place the angel on top, then we took fake pictures with each kid pretending to put the angel on the tree. It was actually funny.

The girls wrote letters to Santa while waiting for the tree to be fixed

ready to put ornaments on the tree

First attempt at putting the angel on the tree

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