Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Miles

This was the most miles I have ever run in a year--probably due to the training for my 40 miler. 1739.27 total miles, 33.45 miles a week or 4.7 miles every day. I also ran two marathons, one 40 miler and two half marathons this past year.

New Year's Celebration

The Wakefields stopped by on their way home and they ended up staying an extra day. It was so cold, the girls tried to play outside, but didn't last too long. They enjoyed playing with barbies, making duct tape purses and wallets, playing cards and board games and running around with Lauren. On New Year's Eve, they toasted with strawberry daiquiris, watched fireworks outside from our sidewalk (burrr), watched the ball drop, then banged pots and pans outside. Jack and Aunt Sarah went for a three mile run on New Years day and Sarah and John were able to go to Crystal Bridges for a few hours. In the evening, Uncle John cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the new grill for everyone. John kept the fire going all weekend. And, Rocky only growled at Uncle John a few times. We had a great visit and hopefully this will be a nice tradition each year if they continue to drive to Indiana at Christmas!

 Lauren liked Rocky

 Rocky is a bit spoiled with his comb from Mimi

 Toasting, Happy New Year

 Lauren was ready with her pan before the new year
 counting down...pans are ready!

GeeMaw and PeePaw Visit

Geemaw and Peepaw drove to our house on their way home. Jack, Peepaw and John went to the Arkansas basketball game with Jack's friend Cade. Arkansas won in overtime. After, they went to get come lunch at the Blessings. Geemaw, the girls and I went to get our nails done, then we went furniture shopping for desks, chairs and beds for the girls. When we got home, we made chocolate chip cookies. In the evening, we got Jack's room put together with their help and also did a lot of the girls' rooms. Sunday morning, they got to see Jack serve at church. We went to breakfast after mass at the Village Inn. It was still so cold, John kept the fire going all day. It is nice they are able to spend extra time with us this time of year.

Dresses from them

I only got pictures of Kate's nails. Anna's are blue with flowers and Elizabeth picked sparkly pink and dark pink with suns. 

Friday, December 29, 2017

Santa Answered!

A few weeks ago, the girls mailed their Santa letters at the Stewart Family Christmas lights. When we got back from Indiana, we found their letters on the porch with a gift. Kate got some duct tape, Elizabeth got a diary and some rubber bands. Anna's gift came the next morning--mermaid bath bombs.

Driving Home...

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Little Red Riding Hood

The kids put on the play, Little Red Riding Hood. Ambria and Emily printed out a script for them and they all spent a few days memorizing their lines. Anna was Little Red Riding Hood, Kate was the dad and Elizabeth was the Grandmother. It was actually a pretty well organized play with costumes, props and scene changes. The plays have gotten better over the years, that is for sure! The pictures are from multiple people, so they are out of order.

The final bow

Marie was the narrator
Elizabeth giving us her bow

Elizabeth was the Grandmother

Anna and Abby (after she ate the Grandmother)

Abby was the wolf
Abby and Anna
Lizzie and Maggie were the sisters to Little Red Riding Hood