Sunday, December 31, 2017

GeeMaw and PeePaw Visit

Geemaw and Peepaw drove to our house on their way home. Jack, Peepaw and John went to the Arkansas basketball game with Jack's friend Cade. Arkansas won in overtime. After, they went to get come lunch at the Blessings. Geemaw, the girls and I went to get our nails done, then we went furniture shopping for desks, chairs and beds for the girls. When we got home, we made chocolate chip cookies. In the evening, we got Jack's room put together with their help and also did a lot of the girls' rooms. Sunday morning, they got to see Jack serve at church. We went to breakfast after mass at the Village Inn. It was still so cold, John kept the fire going all day. It is nice they are able to spend extra time with us this time of year.

Dresses from them

I only got pictures of Kate's nails. Anna's are blue with flowers and Elizabeth picked sparkly pink and dark pink with suns. 

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