Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Camel Lot

The third, fourth and fifth grade students put on a school play called Camel Lot today. I went to watch them in the afternoon and then they performed in the evening that John and I went to. The girls were in the "crowd" and did all the songs in their Bethlehem attire that Grandmom made for them. The fifth grade always does all the acting. Jack was casted as a camel and he did a lot of dancing on stage. It was a really cute play, fun to watch!
 The afternoon performance. Kate is in the yellow, Elizabeth is in the white two kids down from her and Anna is a few rows back in the green. The girls really get into singing and doing the hand motions.
 Jack is the a camel in the purple and green on the edge
Before we left home, Jack had his camel costume at school

 Elizabeth is in the white third from the end, Kate is in the yellow and Anna is in the green a few rows back

 Jack is the camel sitting down in the back

 I got a picture of him after the performance

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